Design at Checkmate

Make it simple,
but significant.

Design is everywhere!

So what does that mean when it comes to services at Checkmate?

As a creative digital agency, our clients don’t get far without great design. It’s the foundation of technology.

Whether you’re looking for a new logo, a new web design, or just want your social media channels to match your brand identity – we are here to help.

Design is much more than just pretty looking things. The goal of great design is to create productions that are both aesthetically pleasing and easy to use.

We need to work together in order to determine the purpose of your communication and branding. Who are you? Who is the receiver? What do you really want them to know?


Are you color blind?

Responsive design

We are writing in 2024. The technology is more advanced than ever and digital solutions must be created according to the responsive thinking approach – design that works on desktop, tablet, and mobile.

When we design your next website, it’s not necessary to ask whether it looks great on mobile. It will.

Feel free to explore our cases
Read about design in our SEO Juice (only in danish)
Maybe you should just call?

+45 71 7474 26